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Privacy Policy
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Who we are:
This site is operated by Surdyke.com for itself and its subsidiaries.. 
The information we collect:
Surdyke.com. collects certain Customer Identifiable Information from those who visit the Surdyke.com Web site and either Sign Up (register) or purchase products. "Customer identifiable information" is information which can be associated with a specific individual, including name, address, telephone number, Email address, credit card number and expiration date, password, preferred E-Commerce dealer, purchase history, IP address, what Web sites visitors come from, which pages are visited at the Surdyke.com Web site, and information about online activities that are directly linked to them. 
How we use the information:
Customer Identifiable Information will be used to complete transactions through this Web site, including credit card processing and credit checks. Your name, address, Email address, telephone number, credit card information and purchase details will only be used by Surdyke.com. The issuer of the credit card you use may also independently collect information about your online purchases. 
Surdyke.com use Email addresses to answer the Email we receive from you. 
Email addresses may also be used to contact you for various purposes, such as to send you information about sales, promotions, surveys, and special events. Your Email address will not be shared with entities other than Surdyke.com. 
Customer Identifiable Information may also be used by Surdyke.com. to identify and suggest products and services which might interest you. This information is not shared in customer identifiable form with entities other than Surdyke.com.
When you visit our site and complete a registration form, we reserve the right to place a "cookie" on your computer, which helps us to identify you more quickly when you return. We will not use "cookies" or other devices to follow your click stream on the Internet generally, but will use them, and other devices, to determine which pages or information you find most useful or interesting at our own Web sites. 
Most browsers permit you to refuse to accept a "cookie" offered by a website. You will not be denied access to any part of the web site on account of your refusal to accept a "cookie," but your transactions through this Web site may be delayed due to the time it takes you to re-enter basic information necessary to complete a transaction. 
Customer Identifiable Information may be used to protect the security or liability of the website or our networks or to respond to requests from government agencies, or as may be required by law. 
We may share aggregated demographic and general trend information with entities other than Harley-Davidson or its dealers. 
Credit Card Transactions:
All of our Online Credit Card Processing is done through Pay Pal Merchant Services. Read more about Pay Pal at http://www.paypal.com.
Our commitment to children's privacy:
Surdyke.com. does not target its websites or its data collection procedures toward individuals under the age of 18. 
How can you access or correct your information?
You can access and correct your personal identification and demographic information that we collect online and maintain by going to one of our online stores, and clicking “My Account”. To access order information, you can click the “Order Status” link. 
How to contact us:
If you are a consumer with concerns about the Surdyke.com Privacy Policy or its application, please write to support@surdyke.com. 
Changes in practices:
The Privacy Policy may change from time to time. Changes will be posted here and will apply to all Customer Identifiable Information collected.